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contributor authorوحید محمدپورکاریزکیen
contributor authorSerpil Sahinen
contributor authorGulum Sumnuen
contributor authorمحمدتقی حامدموسویانen
contributor authorAlexandru Lucaen
contributor authorVahid Mohammadpour Karizakifa
contributor authorMohammad Taghi Hamed Mosavianfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:27:08Z
date available2020-06-06T13:27:08Z
date issued2013
identifier uri
description abstractThe objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using ultrasound-assisted osmotic dehydration

(UAOD) as a pretreatment prior to frying and to study its effects on the quality of fried potatoes. The quality parameters, moisture content, oil uptake, color, texture, and microstructure of fried potatoes, were chosen. Quality of fried potatoes treated with UAOD was also compared with the ones treated with osmotic dehydration (OD). Potato slabs (40 × 40 × 7 mm) were pretreated with different osmotic solutions (15 % sodium chloride and 15 % sodium chloride/ 50 % sucrose solutions) at different temperatures (25, 45,

and 65 °C) with and without ultrasonic waves for different treatment times. The pretreatment conditions which are OD for 90 min and UAOD for 30 min using 15 % sodium chloride/50 % sucrose solution were applied prior to frying at 170 °C for 2, 4, and 6 min. UAOD reduced the oil content of fried potatoes by 12.5 % (db) as compared to untreated fried potatoes at the end of frying. There was no significant difference between OD and UAOD in reduction of oil uptake in fried potatoes. However, UAOD was found to have the advantage of improving the color of French fries. In addition, it shortened the pretreatment time of OD by

about 67 %. Cell structure of fried potato was damaged in the presence of pretreatments of OD and UAOD.
titleEffect of Ultrasound-Assisted Osmotic Dehydration as a Pretreatment on Deep Fat Frying of Potatoesen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsFryingen
subject keywordsOsmotic dehydrationen
subject keywordsPotatoen
subject keywords

journal titleFood and Bioprocess Technologyfa
journal volume0
journal issue6
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identifier articleid1053212

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