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contributor authorحمیده زارع بنادکوکیen
contributor authorرضا توکل افشاریen
contributor authorجواد شاطریانen
contributor authorReza Tavakkol Afsharifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:24:24Z
date available2020-06-06T13:24:24Z
date issued2013
identifier uri
description abstractStorage diseases are responsible for the majority of yield losses after harvest. Dry rot,

caused by the filamentous fungus Fusarium solani is an example of an especially

important disease agent affecting potato storages around the world. The study

presented here examined the effects of nano silver as fungicides on controlling dry rot

on aged potato tubers (6-months after harvest) of the cultivars ‘Agria’, ‘Marfona’ and

‘Santé’ and also on young potato tubers (1-month after harvest) of ‘Agria’ and ‘Santé’

cvs. The results showed fungal growth on aged tubers of cv. ‘Marfona’ was significantly

reduced by applications of nano silver three days after inoculation. However, fungal

growth was markedly increased on cv. ‘Santé’ cv three hours after inoculation. These

data suggested that the cv. ‘Marfona’ is has greater tolerance, dry rot when compared to

that of cv. ‘Santé. Furthermore, the timing of nano silver applications appeared to have

an impact on dry rot control efficacy on potato tubers. Therefore, efficacy of nano silver

may depend greatly on application timing and be limited to cultivars with certain genetic

properties. Moreover, the most successful timing of the nano-silver treatment seems to

be one hour after inoculation of young tubers. Although, treatment after three hours of

inoculation reduced growth of mycelium on young tubers of both cultivars, but its

effectiveness was lower when applied one hour after inoculation. Consequently, shorter

the time of nano-silver treatment, the more effective will be the controlling spread of the

dry rot infections on tubers, during storage.
titleDo Nano Silver Treatments Control Dry Rot Agent Inoculated Young and Aged Potato Seed Tubers?en
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsFusarium solanien
subject keywordsnano silver particlesen
subject keywordsPotatoen
journal titleInternational Journal of Agronomy and Plant Productionfa
journal volume4
journal issue12
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identifier articleid1048255

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