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contributor authorحامد جعفرزادهen
contributor authorمحمود رضائی رکن آبادیen
contributor authorناصر شاه طهماسبیen
contributor authorمحمد بهدانیen
contributor authorhamed jafarzadehfa
contributor authorMahmood Rezaee Roknabadifa
contributor authorNasser Shahtahmassebifa
contributor authorMohammad Behdanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:23:06Z
date available2020-06-06T13:23:06Z
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractIn this paper, we investigate the electronic structure of both armchair and zigzag α -graphyne nanor-

ibbons. We use a simple tight binding model to study the variation of the electronic band gap in

α -graphyne nanoribbon. The effects of ribbon width, transverse electric field and edge shape on the

electronic structure have been studied. Our results show that in the absence of external electric

field,zigzag α-graphyne nanoribbons are semimetal and the electronic band gap in armchair α-graphyne

nanoribbon oscillates and decreases with ribbon's width. By applying an external electric field the band

gap in the electronic structure of zigzag α-graphyne nanoribbon opens and oscillates with ribbon width

and electric field magnitude. Also the band gap of armchair α-graphyne nanoribbon decreases in low

electric field, but it has an oscillatory growth behavior for high strength of external electric field.
titleElectronic properties of α -graphyne nanoribbons under the electric field effecten
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsGraphyneen
subject keywordsTight bindingen
subject keywordsNanoribbonen
subject keywordsElectronic structureen
subject keywordsGraphyneen
subject keywordsTight bindingen
subject keywordsNanoribbonen
subject keywordsElectronic structureen
subject keywordsBand gapen
journal titlePhysica Een
journal titlePhysica Efa
journal volume67
journal issue0
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identifier articleid1046766

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