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contributor authorسیدمحمدعلی موسوی زادهen
contributor authorاسداله محبوبیen
contributor authorسیدرضا موسوی حرمیen
contributor authorMohammad Ali Kavoosien
contributor authorFelix Schlaginitweiten
contributor authorSeyed Mohamad Ali Moosavizadehfa
contributor authorAsadollah Mahboubifa
contributor authorSayyed Reza Moussavi Haramifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:22:00Z
date available2020-06-06T13:22:00Z
date issued2015
identifier uri
description abstractThe Lower Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian) Dariyan Formation (northeastern Arabian Plate, Iran) represents the youngest sediments of the Khami group in the Zagros fold belt. This study is based on six sections located in the Izeh Zone and Interior Fars Province documenting transition from platform to a basin margin facies. Three assemblage zones based on benthic foraminifers have been identified and provide an early Aptian–early Albian age. Petrographic and microfacies analyses characterize thirteen carbonate microfacies and two mud rock lithofacies-types. The vertical and lateral facies variations observed in this study for the Dariyan Formation are in agreement with a depositional environment going from a homoclinal carbonate ramp to margin of intra-shelf basin type. Based on the identification of three sequence boundaries (SB), the Dariyan Formation sediments has been divided into three 2nd-order depositional sequences which encompasses six and five 3rd-order sequences in the margin of intra-shelf basin and the shallow platform settings, respectively. The early Aptian sea-level rise led to the extension of the carbonate platform and deposition of pelagic facies as a maximum flooding surface on margin of intra-shelf basin. In the late Aptian highstand phase, the platform was exposed as a result of glacio-eustatic mechanisms, whereas sediments continued to accumulate in the margin of intra-shelf basin.

This study supports the general paleogeography of the studied area documented by previous studies and provides better insight to the interpretation of the evolution in this area and other similar basins.
titleSequence stratigraphy and platform to basin margin facies transition of the Lower Cretaceous Dariyan Formation (northeastern Arabian Plate, Zagros Fold Belt, Iran)en
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsDariyan Formationen
subject keywordsAptianen
subject keywordsArabian Plateen
subject keywordsZagrosen
subject keywordsSequence Starigraphyen
journal titleBulletin of Geosciencesfa
journal volume90
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1045375

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