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contributor authorMohammad Ali Sardaren
contributor authorVahdat Boghrabadien
contributor authorمهدی سهرابیen
contributor authorReza Aminzadehen
contributor authorMehrdad Jalalianen
contributor authorMehdi Sohrabifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:16:48Z
date available2020-06-06T13:16:48Z
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractAim: This study was conducted to examine the effects of aerobic exercise training on psychosocial aspects (mental health, the aspects of physical symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social functioning, and depression) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Methods: 53 men who had type 2 diabetes mellitus for a mean duration of the disease for 3±5 years were selected purposely and classified randomly into experimental (27 patients) and a control group (26 patients).

Patients in the experimental group did aerobic exercise training three times a week for eight weeks. The exercise included an aerobic activity for 45 to 60 minutes during which the patients’ heart rates were maintained at 60-70

percent of heart rate reserve on ergo meter bikes.

Results: The eight-week aerobic exercise training had significant effects on mental health (p = 0.002), subscales of physical symptoms (p = 0.006), and anxiety and insomnia (p = 0.001). It had no significant effects on subscales related to disorder of social functioning (p = 0.117) and depression (p = 0.657).

Conclusions: Aerobic exercise training can be considered as an appropriate program for improving the health of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and it also can improve their mental health.
titleThe Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training on Psychosocial Aspects of Men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitusen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsaerobic exercise trainingen
subject keywordsmental healthen
subject keywordsdepressionen
subject keywordsdiabetes mellitusen
subject keywordspsychosocial aspectsen
journal titleGlobal Journal of Health Sciencefa
journal volume6
journal issue2
identifier link
identifier articleid1039654

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