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contributor authorAazam Nakhaeien
contributor authorfaride hadavien
contributor authorمهدی طالب پورen
contributor authorAboalfazl farahanien
contributor authorEsmaeel abbasnejaden
contributor authorMahdi Talebpourfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:16:46Z
date available2020-06-06T13:16:46Z
date issued2013
identifier uri
description abstractABSTRACT This study was conducted with the goal of investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence and its dimensions with organizational entrepreneurship. For this purpose, 273 managers and experts of ministry of sport and youth were selected as sample. Subjects filled two questionnaires: Shering's emotional intelligence and Margaret Hill's organizational entrepreneurship. Correlation analysis findings showed that there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational entrepreneurship. Among 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence self-management, social awareness, managerial skills and self-awareness have the highest relationship with organizational entrepreneurship and the only self-motivation dimension has no significant relationship with organizational entrepreneurship. Results of stepwise regression indicated that individual skills (self-awareness, self-managerial) are suitable predictors for organizational entrepreneurship. Studying relationship between demographic features and emotional intelligence with organizational entrepreneurship showed that there is no significant relationship between service years with organizational entrepreneurship in spite of age and education. However, intensity between demographic features and emotional intelligence in the highest level is related to education, then service years and there was no significant relationship between age and emotional intelligence.en
titleThe Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Its Dimensions With Organizational Entrepreneurshipen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsemotional intelligenceen
subject keywordsorganizational entrepreneurshipen
journal titleAdvances in Environmental Biologyfa
journal volume7
journal issue8
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identifier articleid1039614

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