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contributor authorعباسعلی قربان صباغen
contributor authorمحمد مولوی کاخکیen
contributor authorAbbasali Ghorban Sabbaghfa
contributor authorMohammad Molavi Kakhkifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:15:22Z
date available2020-06-06T13:15:22Z
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractIn this paper the performance and the capacity of

two-level asynchronous incoherent optical CDMA (OCDMA) systems

employing wrapped overlapping pulse position modulation

(WOPPM) and optical AND logic gate receiver are analyzed. These

analyses are performed by considering the multiple access interference

as the main limiting factor. Because of the power limitation

in some laser sources, the same-symbol-power scheme for all users

is assumed. Optical orthogonal codes with the same length are assigned

to the users of each class. Considering the throughput as

constraint, the effects of the number of users in each class and the

weight of low-weight users on the performance of each class are

examined and the results are compared with the same-mark-power

case. Finally, the effect of WOPPM signaling parameters such as

overlapping index and total number of symbols on the error probability

of each class is investigated in the presence and in the absence

of throughput constraint. Our results show that when the multilevel

technique is employed inWOPPM OCDMA systems, one can

find solutions for some design problems that cannot be handled by

conventional one-levelmethods. In addition to this benefit, employing

this technique leads to a less complex transceiver structure.
titlePerformance Analysis of Two-Level Asynchronous Optical CDMA Systems Utilizing Wrapped OPPMen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsCapacityen
subject keywordsoptical orthogonal codesen
subject keywordsoptical ALG receiveren
subject keywordsoptical CDMA (OCDMA)en
subject keywordsquality of services (QoS)en
subject keywordstwolevelen
subject keywordswrapped OPPM (WOPPM)en
journal titleJournal of Lightwave Technologyfa
journal volume32
journal issue1
identifier link
identifier articleid1037730

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