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contributor authorیاسمن رضایی مقدمen
contributor authorسیدهاشم میری حکیم آبادen
contributor authorلاله رفعت متولیen
contributor authorYasaman Rezaei Moghaddamfa
contributor authorSeyyed Hashem Miri Hakimabadfa
contributor authorLaleh Rafat Motavalifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:14:42Z
date available2020-06-06T13:14:42Z
date issued2012
identifier uri
description abstractBackground: Changes in body composition may be used for monitoring progression/

regression of a disease. Prompt γ-rays in vivo neutron activation analysis

(IVNAA) has been widely used for the measurement of body composition in recent


Objective: In this paper, we tried to improve the safety of IVNAA operator.

Methods: The most important factor for reducing the operator receiving dose is the

optimization of shields. An appropriate shield should not only reduce the operator receiving

dose, but it also must have the least effect on the detected spectrum. Because

all parts of setup, including the operator shield, can be activated, the emitted γ-rays

may be counted in detectors and increase the background level. In this research,

several shields have been considered for an IVNAA setup. 4 different shields—concrete,

epoxy colemanite resin, paraffin borated with bismuth layer (PE-Bi layer), and

paraffin borated uniformly mixed with bismuth (PE-Bi)—were simulated by MCNPX


Results: We found that the PE-Bi shield decreases the absorbed dose to 77%

compared with “no shield” and 74% compared to concrete. Also, the reduction rate of

dose equivalent was 95% compared to “no shield” and 91% compared to colemanite

resin. The neutron flux decreased almost 400 times in the presence of PE-Bi; it had

less background in γ-spectrum compared to other suggested shields.

Conclusion: Among the tested shields, PE-Bi would be the best one.
titleOptimization of Body Composition Analyzer Facility, Considering Operator Dosimetryen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsOperator shielden
subject keywordsAbsorbed doseen
subject keywordsDose equivalenten
journal titleJournal of Biomedical Physics and Engineeringfa
journal volume2
journal issue4
identifier link
identifier articleid1036792

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