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contributor authorمصطفی کاظمیen
contributor authorامیر کاریزنوئیen
contributor authorسیدمحمدرضا حسینی مقدم قوچان کهنهen
contributor authorمحمدتقی سرگزیen
contributor authorMostafa Kazemifa
contributor authorAmir Kariznoeefa
contributor authormohammad taghi sargazifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:11:33Z
date available2020-06-06T13:11:33Z
date issued2013
identifier uri
description abstractThis study intend to prioritize the factors affecting customer satisfaction of the quality of ser-vices provided by EGHTESADE NOVIN BANK, in order to gain more competitive advan-tage .Because the funding is dependent on the private bank customers ,Customer satisfaction Lead to increased investment in the bank. This is a practical research and its method is de-scriptive .Using literature research and expert opinion, 24 factors identified, then by using the Kano model, these factors were classified into three groups: Basic needs, Expected needs and Excitement needs. Each Group got respectively 5,9& 7 factors. The there remaining factors are Indifferent requirements. Then by using AHP in EXPERT CHOICE software, the weight of agents within Kano groups calculated. Finally, results from the two methods ( kano & AHP) in prioritizing the needs of customers, are compared.The results of both methods are largely similar and following the rules and employees skills ,indicated as the most impor-tant factors in customer satisfaction.en
titlePrioritizing Factors Affecting Bank Customers Using Kano Model and Analytical Hierarchy Processen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsCustomer Satisfactionen
subject keywordsAHPen
subject keywordsKANOen
subject keywordsPrioritizingen
journal titleInternational Journal of Accounting and Financial Management-IJAFMfa
journal volume6
journal issue6
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identifier articleid1032744
contributor rawauthorSeyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini Moghadam Ghouchan Kohnehfa

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