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contributor authorرضا امین زادهen
contributor authorمقداد ابرزنیen
contributor authorجواد سرگلزائیen
contributor authorReza Aminzadehfa
contributor authormeghdad abarzanifa
contributor authorJavad Sargolzaeifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:07:41Z
date available2020-06-06T13:07:41Z
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractIn this study, the kinetics of osmotic dehydration of melons (Tille variety) in a ternary system followed by air-drying for preserving melons in the summer to be used in the winter were investigated. The effect of different osmotic solution concentrations 30, 40 and 50% (w/w) of sucrose with 10% NaCl salt and fruit to solution ratios 1:4, 1:5 and 1:6 on the mass transfer kinetics during osmotic dehydration of melon in ternary solution namely sucrosesalt-water followed by air-drying were studied. The diffusivity of water during air-drying was enhanced after the fruit samples were immersed in the osmotic solution after 60 min. Samples non-treated and pre-treated during one hour in osmotic solutions with 60% (w/w) of sucrose with 10% NaCl salt and fruit to solution ratio of 1:4 were dried in a hot air-dryer at 60 oC (2 m/s) until equilibrium was achieved.en
titlePreserving Melon by Osmotic Dehydration in a Ternary Systemen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsAir dryingen
subject keywordsEffective diffusion coefficienten
subject keywordsMass transfer kineticen
subject keywordsMelonen
subject keywordsOsmotic dehydrationen
journal titleWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technologyfa
journal volume68
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1027379

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