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contributor authorAhmad Reza Bahrami
contributor authorMaria Beihaghi
contributor authorAbdolreza Bagheri
contributor authorRichard Leegood
contributor authorMehdi Ghabooli
contributor authorJafar Zolala
contributor authorFarajollah Shahriari
date accessioned2020-06-05T11:43:10Z
date available2020-06-05T11:43:10Z
date copyright2010-07-08 12:46:53
date issued1387
identifier uri
description abstractPhosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase, encoded by the pepck gene, plays an important role inrngluconeogenesis. It also seems to be important in metabolism of nitrogenous compounds in developing seeds ofrnlegumes, including amides and ureides which are then transformed into amino acids, necessary for thernsynthesis of storage proteins. In this research, pepck gene expression in mRNA level, in different genotypes ofrnchickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), was determined. Two low protein genotypes (MCC291 and MCC373) and twornhigh protein genotypes (MCC458 and MCC053) out of 20 chickpea genotypes were selected. Total RNA werernextracted through different stages of seed development, and the expression of the pepck gene was estimated byrnsemi-quantitative RT-PCR. The results of the RT-PCR showed that two isoforms of this gene are expressed inrnhigh protein genotypes, whereas in the low protein genotypes, the expression of these isoforms was notrnobvious. Also this method showed a differential expression of pepck gene in different stages of flowering andrnseed development. pepck gene is expressed in higher levels during the sheet formation and developing seedsrncompared to the flowering and seed formation stages. Probably, the differential expression of pepck gene isrnrelated to its possible role in metabolism of seed components, particularly in determination of the proteinrncontent of chickpea seeds.
publisherFerdowsi University of Mashhad Press
publisherانتشارات دانشگاه فردوسی مشهدFa
titleComparison of pepck gene expression in developing seeds and leaves of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plant
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
identifier doi10.22067/jcmr.v1i2.3220
journal titleJournal of Cell and Molecular Research
journal volume1
journal issue281
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seriesدوره 1 شماره 2
identifier ojsid3220

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