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contributor authorRodriguez, Vicente
contributor authorAfanasyev, Pavel
contributor authorMatitsine, Sergei
contributor authorLagoiski, Pavel
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:34:41Z
date available2020-03-13T00:34:41Z
date issued2014
identifier issn2162-2264
identifier other7023198.pdf
identifier uri
titleA horn with a meta-material lens for immunity testing of automotive components in the l-band and s-band radar range
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8335380
subject keywordsautomotive components
subject keywordselectromagnetic compatibility
subject keywordshorn antennas
subject keywordslens antennas
subject keywordsmetamaterials
subject keywordsEMC immunity test
subject keywordsL-band radar range
subject keywordsS-band radar range
subject keywordsautomotive components
subject keywordshorn antenna
subject keywordsimmunity testing
subject keywordslens profile
subject keywordsmeta-material lens
subject keywordsAutomotive electronics
subject keywordsDesign methodology
subject keywordsElectromagnetic compatibility
subject keywordsHorn antennas
subject keywordsPhysics
subject keywordsRadio frequency
subject keywordsAntenna Design
subject keywordsAutomotive
subject keywordsEMC measurements
identifier doi10.1109/MEMC.2014.7023198
journal titleElectromagnetic Compatibility Magazine, IEEE
journal volume3
journal issue4

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