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contributor authorKlix, Axel
contributor authorAngelone, M.
contributor authorFischer, Ulrich
contributor authorGehre, Daniel
contributor authorKleizer, Gabor
contributor authorLyoussi, A.
contributor authorRuecker, Tom
contributor authorRovni, Istvan
contributor authorSzalkai, Dora
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:21:03Z
date available2020-03-13T00:21:03Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0093-3813
identifier other6891325.pdf
identifier uri
titleInstrumentation for Neutron Flux and Tritium Production Rate Monitoring in the European TBM in ITER
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8326080
subject keywordsTokamak devices
subject keywordsfusion reactor blankets
subject keywordsfusion reactor design
subject keywordsfusion reactor instrumentation
subject keywordsneutron detection
subject keywordsneutron flux
subject keywordsplasma toroidal confinement
subject keywordsself-powered neutron detectors
subject keywordssemiconductor counters
subject keywordstritium handling
subject keywordsEuropean TBM
subject keywordsITER
subject keywordsI_SMART project
subject keywordsSPND
subject keywordsbreeding blanket designs
subject keywordsfission reactor monitoring
subject keywordsfoil activation system
subject keywordsfusion power reactors
subject keywordsintense DT neutron generator
subject keywordsneutron activation system
subject keywordsneutron flux monitoring
subject keywordsnuclear performance
subject keywordsonline detector
subject keywordspne
identifier doi10.1109/TPS.2014.2348416
journal titlePlasma Science, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume42
journal issue10

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