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contributor authorHameed, Nyha M.
contributor authorEl Eter, Ali
contributor authorGrosjean, Thierry
contributor authorBaida, Fadi /I/.
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:15:10Z
date available2020-03-13T00:15:10Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1943-0655
identifier other6863628.pdf
identifier uri
titleStand-Alone Three-Dimensional Optical Tweezers Based on Fibred Bowtie Nanoaperture
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8322158
subject keywordsaperture antennas
subject keywordsbow-tie antennas
subject keywordsnanoparticles
subject keywordsnanophotonics
subject keywordsoptical fibres
subject keywordsoptical microscopes
subject keywordsradiation pressure
subject keywordswater
subject keywordsfibred bowtie nanoaperture
subject keywordsincident light power
subject keywordslatex nanoparticles
subject keywordslight confinement
subject keywordsmetal-coated near-field optical microscope tip
subject keywordsoptical trapping
subject keywordssize 250 nm to 30 nm
subject keywordssmall particles
subject keywordsstand-alone three-dimensional optical tweezers
subject keywordswater
subject keywordswavelength 1064 nm
subject keywordsBiomedical optical imaging
subject keywordsCharge carrier processes
subject keywordsForce
subject keywordsOptical diffraction
subject keywordsOptical imaging
identifier doi10.1109/JPHOT.2014.2341011
journal titlePhotonics Journal, IEEE
journal volume6
journal issue4

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