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contributor authorYing Chen
contributor authorVetro, Anthony
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:04:16Z
date available2020-03-13T00:04:16Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1070-986X
identifier other6818898.pdf
identifier uri
titleNext-Generation 3D Formats with Depth Map Support
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8314485
subject keywordsdata compression
subject keywordsimage texture
subject keywordsstereo image processing
subject keywordsvideo coding
subject keywords3D video functionalities
subject keywordsAVC
subject keywordsHEVC coding standards
subject keywordsadvanced multiview functionalities
subject keywordsadvanced video coding
subject keywordsauto-stereoscopic displays
subject keywordscoding efficiency
subject keywordscompression formats
subject keywordsdepth information
subject keywordsdepth map support
subject keywordsdepth support
subject keywordsdepth video
subject keywordsfree-viewpoint video functionalities
subject keywordshigh efficiency video coding
subject keywordsnext-generation 3D formats
subject keywordssingle-view compatibility
subject keywordsstereoscopic bitstreams
subject keywordstexture views coding
subject keywordsDecoding
subject keywordsE
identifier doi10.1109/MMUL.2014.31
journal titleMultiMedia, IEEE
journal volume21
journal issue2

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