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contributor authorTao Yue
contributor authorJinli Suo
contributor authorQionghai Dai
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:00:24Z
date available2020-03-13T00:00:24Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1057-7149
identifier other6805611.pdf
identifier uri
titleHigh-Dimensional Camera Shake Removal With Given Depth Map
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8311785
subject keywordscameras
subject keywordsdeconvolution
subject keywordsimage motion analysis
subject keywordsimage sampling
subject keywordsiterative methods
subject keywordsprobability
subject keywords2D local blur kernels
subject keywords6-degrees of freedom
subject keywords6D depth-aware model
subject keywordsDoF
subject keywordsPMDF
subject keywordsback projection
subject keywordscamera motion blur
subject keywordscamera rotation
subject keywordscamera trajectory sampling
subject keywordscamera translation
subject keywordshigh-dimensional camera motion estimation
subject keywordshigh-dimensional camera motion parameters
subject keywordshigh-dimensional camera shake removal
subject keywordsimage blur model
subject keywordsiterative deblurring algorithm
subject keywordslarge depth-range scenes
subject keywordsparametrization strategy
identifier doi10.1109/TIP.2014.2320368
journal titleImage Processing, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume23
journal issue6

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