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contributor authorHubert, Guillaume
contributor authorBezerra, F.
contributor authorNicot, J.-M.
contributor authorArtola, L.
contributor authorCheminet, A.
contributor authorValdivia, J.-N.
contributor authorMouret, J.-M.
contributor authorMeyer, J.-R.
contributor authorCocquerez, P.
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:58:56Z
date available2020-03-12T23:58:56Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9499
identifier other6800108.pdf
identifier uri
titleAtmospheric Radiation Environment Effects on Electronic Balloon Board Observed During Polar Vortex and Equatorial Operational Campaigns
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8310722
subject keywordsatmospheric radiation
subject keywordsballoons
subject keywordsneutron effects
subject keywordsproton effects
subject keywordsstratosphere
subject keywordsSEE high energy proton test
subject keywordsatmospheric radiation environment effects
subject keywordselectronic balloon board
subject keywordselectronic boards
subject keywordsequatorial operational campaigns
subject keywordsfunctional anomalies
subject keywordshigh energy neutron operational campaign
subject keywordsneutron environments
subject keywordsovercurrent events
subject keywordspolar vortex
subject keywordsproton environments
subject keywordssingle event effects
subject keywordsAtmospheric modeling
subject keywordsNeutrons
subject keywordsPower supplies
subject keywordsProtons
subject keywordsRadiation effects
subject keywordsRandom access memory
subject keywordsTemperat
identifier doi10.1109/TNS.2014.2303497
journal titleNuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume61
journal issue4

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