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contributor authorTao Zeng
contributor authorXichao Dong
contributor authorShaun Quegan
contributor authorCheng Hu
contributor authorUryu, Yumiko
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:55:04Z
date available2020-03-12T23:55:04Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0013-5194
identifier other6780249.pdf
identifier uri
titleRegional tropical deforestation detection using ALOS PALSAR 50 m mosaics in Riau province, Indonesia
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8308050
subject keywordsgeophysical image processing
subject keywordsgeophysical techniques
subject keywordsimage segmentation
subject keywordsradar imaging
subject keywordsremote sensing by radar
subject keywordssynthetic aperture radar
subject keywordsvegetation mapping
subject keywordsAD 2007 to 2008
subject keywordsALOS PALSAR
subject keywordsHH-HV ratio
subject keywordsIndonesia
subject keywordsJAXA
subject keywordsRiau province
subject keywordsWWF reference map
subject keywordsWorld Wildlife Fund
subject keywordsdeforestation map
subject keywordsfalse alarm rate
subject keywordsorthorectified mosaic products
subject keywordsregional tropical deforestation detection
subject keywordssynthetic aperture radar image
subject keywordssystematic global tropical forest coverage
identifier doi10.1049/el.2013.4254
journal titleElectronics Letters
journal volume50
journal issue7

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