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contributor authorWeidermann, Christian
contributor authorSokolov, Igor
contributor authorThess, Andre
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:50:37Z
date available2020-03-12T23:50:37Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9464
identifier other6757014.pdf
identifier uri
titleLorentz Force and Joule Heat Induced in an Electrically Conducting Plate Moving With Time-Dependent Velocity Under the Influence of a Homogeneous Magnetic Field
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8304969
subject keywordsdiffusion
subject keywordsheat transfer
subject keywordsplates (structures)
subject keywords1-D heat diffusion problem
subject keywordsJoule heat
subject keywordsLorentz force
subject keywordselectrically conducting plate
subject keywordsheat-transfer problem
subject keywordshomogeneous magnetic field
subject keywordsinitially uniform magnetic field
subject keywordsmagnetic diffusion
subject keywordstime-dependent boundary conditions
subject keywordstime-dependent velocity
subject keywordsEddy currents
subject keywordsElectromagnetic heating
subject keywordsEquations
subject keywordsHeat transfer
subject keywordsLorentz covariance
subject keywordsMathematical model
subject keywordsFlow measurement
subject keywordsflowmeters
subject keywordsinduction heating
subject keywordsliquid metals
subject keywordsmagnetohydrodynamics
subject keywordsmetallurg
identifier doi10.1109/TMAG.2014.2309938
journal titleMagnetics, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume50
journal issue8

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