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contributor authorShi, Yong
contributor authorSu, Jianhui
contributor authorLi, Jinwei
contributor authorHao, Xinxing
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:44:30Z
date available2020-03-12T23:44:30Z
date issued2014
identifier other7037885.pdf
identifier uri
titleLine impedance measure method for microgrid
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8298693
subject keywordselectric current control
subject keywordsn estimation theory
subject keywordsn invertors
subject keywordsn load regulation
subject keywordsn voltage control
subject keywordsn AC load current control
subject keywordsn AC output load current
subject keywordsn DC-AC inverter
subject keywordsn MI
subject keywordsn ZSI
subject keywordsn capacitor
subject keywordsn estimation method
subject keywordsn measured signal evaluation
subject keywordsn measurement method
subject keywordsn modulation index waveform
subject keywordsn parallel Z-source inverter
subject keywordsn series Z-source inverter
subject keywordsn switching signal waveform
subject keywordsn voltage control
subject keywordsn voltage stress reduction
subject keywordsn Series Z-source inverter
identifier doi10.1049/cp.2014.0464

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