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contributor authorMiyoshi, M. , Kaneko, A. , Itoh, T. , Yura, K.
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:38:33Z
date available2020-03-12T23:38:33Z
date issued2014
identifier other6902898.pdf
identifier uri
titleA Visual Analytics of Geometric Distances between Amino Acids and Surface Pockets of Proteins
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8288948
subject keywordsInternet of Things
subject keywordsembedded systems
subject keywordshardware-software codesign
subject keywordssoftware prototyping
subject keywordsagile Internet of Things prototype development
subject keywordscodesign-oriented platform
subject keywordsembedded device development
subject keywordshardware-software codesign
subject keywordsComputer architecture
subject keywordsHardware
subject keywordsMicrocontrollers
subject keywordsProtocols
subject keywordsSoftware
subject keywordsStandards
subject keywordsTransceivers
subject keywordsAgile Development
subject keywordsArchitecture
subject keywordsEmbedded System
subject keywordsHardware/Software Codesign
subject keywordsInternet of Things
identifier doi10.1109/IMIS.2014.52
journal titlenformation Visualisation (IV), 2014 18th International Conference on

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