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date accessioned2020-03-12T23:26:28Z
date available2020-03-12T23:26:28Z
date issued2014
identifier other6892100.pdf
identifier uri
titleInfluence of new material and technology on oxide cathode performance
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8280554
subject keywordsbioacoustics
subject keywordsunderwater sound
subject keywordsA-tag hydrophones
subject keywordsOrcinus orca
subject keywordsPrince William sound
subject keywordskiller whale vocalisations
subject keywordsmarine biodiversity
subject keywordsmarine mammals
subject keywordsocean environment
subject keywordspassive acoustic data logger
subject keywordssound ocean ecosystems
subject keywordsunderwater gliders
subject keywordsunderwater passive acoustic observations
subject keywordsvisual observations
subject keywordsvocalisation source
subject keywordswide-range monitoring
subject keywordsAutomation
subject keywordsBiodiversity
subject keywordsDynamic range
subject keywordsWhales
subject keywordsA-tag
subject keywordsUnderwater acoustic observation
subject keywordskiller whale
subject keywordsocean ecosystem
subject keywordspassive acoustic monitoring
identifier doi10.1109/WAC.2014.6935896
journal titleacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVESC), 2014 Tenth International
contributor rawauthorXiaoxia Wang , Shikai Qi , Yanwen Liu , Jirun Luo , Qinglan Zhao , Yun Li , Qi Zhang

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