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contributor authorEbrahimi, Mahdi
contributor authorHasanpour, Somayeh
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:59:37Z
date available2020-03-12T22:59:37Z
date issued2014
identifier other7033540.pdf
identifier uri
titleCournot equilibrium analysis for influence of wind power on Genco's profit considering carbon emission market
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8244192
subject keywordsAerospace control
subject keywordsn Aerospace electronics
subject keywordsn Aircraft
subject keywordsn Cost function
subject keywordsn Splines (mathematics)
subject keywordsn Trajectory
subject keywordsn Vectors
subject keywordsn Aerospace trajectories
subject keywordsn Aircraft control
subject keywordsn Autonomous vehicles
subject keywordsn Obstacle avoidance
subject keywordsn Receding horizon
subject keywordsn Splines
identifier doi10.1109/CONTROL.2014.6915125
journal titleechnology, Communication and Knowledge (ICTCK), 2014 International Congress on

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