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contributor authorSpinoso, Serena
contributor authorLeogrande, Marco
contributor authorRisso, Fulvio
contributor authorSingh, Sushil
contributor authorSisto, Riccardo
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:52:48Z
date available2020-03-12T22:52:48Z
date issued2014
identifier other7027589.pdf
identifier uri
titleAutomatic Configuration of Opaque Network Functions in CMS
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8238639
subject keywordsload forecasting
subject keywordsn mathematical analysis
subject keywordsn photovoltaic power systems
subject keywordsn power grids
subject keywordsn sunlight
subject keywordsn GCPV power systems
subject keywordsn GERC
subject keywordsn Green Energy Research Center
subject keywordsn Malaysia climate
subject keywordsn MathCAD software
subject keywordsn PV array
subject keywordsn UiTM
subject keywordsn University of Technology MARA
subject keywordsn grid connected photovoltaic power systems
subject keywordsn monocrystalline
subject keywordsn polycrystalline
subject keywordsn prediction data measurement
subject keywordsn solar cell technologies
subject keywordsn solar irradiance
subject keywordsn thin film
subject keywordsn Arrays
subject keywordsn Equations
subject keywordsn In
identifier doi10.1109/ICSGRC.2014.6908688
journal titletility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on

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