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contributor authorChaojiang Li
contributor authorZierak, M.
contributor authorWolf, R.
contributor authorWang, D.
contributor authorBoenke, M.
contributor authorHanyi Ding
contributor authorFeilchenfeld, N.
contributor authorLetavic, T.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:43:57Z
date available2020-03-12T22:43:57Z
date issued2014
identifier other7021359.pdf
identifier uri
titleA 19DBM 5.8GHzz PA demonstrator with a novel low ron high FT RF LDMOS
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8231892
subject keywordsmicrowave antennas
subject keywordsn satellite communication
subject keywordsn Ka-band mobility terminals
subject keywordsn ViaSat-1 satellites
subject keywordsn ViaSat-2 satellites
subject keywordsn broadband satellite communications
subject keywordsn high-capacity Ka-band satellite system
subject keywordsn satellite broadband
subject keywordsn Aircraft
subject keywordsn Apertures
subject keywordsn Broadband antennas
subject keywordsn Broadband communication
subject keywordsn Europe
subject keywordsn Satellites
subject keywordsn Ka-band
subject keywordsn Ku-band
subject keywordsn antenna
subject keywordsn satellite
identifier doi10.1109/EuCAP.2014.6902358
journal titleolid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), 2014 12th IEEE International Conference on

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