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contributor authorAlam, S.M.I.
contributor authorYau, D.K.Y.
contributor authorFahmy, S.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:37:34Z
date available2020-03-12T22:37:34Z
date issued2014
identifier other7017089.pdf
identifier uri
titleERUPT: Energy-efficient trustworthy provenance trees for wireless sensor networks
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8227338
subject keywordscloud computing
subject keywordsn digital simulation
subject keywordsn scheduling
subject keywordsn CloudSim simulator
subject keywordsn Internet-based activity
subject keywordsn OFDT
subject keywordsn cloud based activities
subject keywordsn cloud computing
subject keywordsn cloud environment
subject keywordsn optimally fair dynamic task scheduling algorithm
subject keywordsn Cloud computing
subject keywordsn Dynamic scheduling
subject keywordsn Heuristic algorithms
subject keywordsn Processor scheduling
subject keywordsn Virtual machining
subject keywordsn Cloud Computing
subject keywordsn CloudSim
subject keywordsn Scheduling
identifier doi10.1109/IC3.2014.6897238
journal titleerformance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2014 IEEE International

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