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contributor authorBasyoni, Y.I.A.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:37:03Z
date available2020-03-12T22:37:03Z
date issued2014
identifier other7016816.pdf
identifier uri
titleTravel speed estimation from cellular networks using modified Data Swarm Clustering algorithm
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8227019
subject keywordscontrol engineering computing
subject keywordsn control system synthesis
subject keywordsn least squares approximations
subject keywordsn nonlinear control systems
subject keywordsn nonlinear dynamical systems
subject keywordsn polynomials
subject keywordsn predictive control
subject keywordsn support vector machines
subject keywordsn LS-SVM
subject keywordsn U-model generalized predictive controller
subject keywordsn continuously stirred tank reactor
subject keywordsn control-oriented prototype
subject keywordsn design procedure
subject keywordsn least-squares support vector machine
subject keywordsn nonlinear control system online implementation
subject keywordsn nonlinear dynamic pla
identifier doi10.1109/ChiCC.2014.6896969
journal titlengineering and Technology (ICET), 2014 International Conference on

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