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contributor authorMichailidis, C.
contributor authorSmanis, I.
contributor authorStamatis, K.
contributor authorBergeles, C.
contributor authorKouris, A.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:35:23Z
date available2020-03-12T22:35:23Z
date issued2014
identifier other7015911.pdf
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titleDevelopment of a smartphone-enabled spirometer for personalised respiratory health
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8225971
subject keywordsaerodynamics
subject keywordsn aircraft control
subject keywordsn least squares approximations
subject keywordsn measurement errors
subject keywordsn parameter estimation
subject keywordsn regression analysis
subject keywordsn ALS method
subject keywordsn EEM
subject keywordsn OLS method
subject keywordsn adjusted least square method
subject keywordsn aerodynamic parameter identification
subject keywordsn equation error methods
subject keywordsn hypersonic vehicles
subject keywordsn identification algorithm
subject keywordsn input measurement data
subject keywordsn input measurement errors
subject keywordsn ordinary least square method
subject keywordsn output measurement data
subject keywordsn polynomial regression model
identifier doi10.1109/ChiCC.2014.6896090
journal titleireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (Mobihealth), 2014 EAI 4th International Conference on

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