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contributor authorEkawati, E.
contributor authorWidyotriatmo, A.
contributor authorAskandari, I.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:28:44Z
date available2020-03-12T22:28:44Z
date issued2014
identifier other7011612.pdf
identifier uri
titleQuadrotor position control based on model identification and proportional-derivative algorithm
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8221680
subject keywordsLaplace equations
subject keywordsn Poisson equation
subject keywordsn boundary-value problems
subject keywordsn finite difference methods
subject keywordsn parallel algorithms
subject keywordsn particle beam dynamics
subject keywordsn particle beam injection
subject keywordsn 3D beam dynamics simulation
subject keywordsn Laplace equation
subject keywordsn MPI based parallel computations
subject keywordsn Poisson equation
subject keywordsn accelerating electrostatic field
subject keywordsn beam field computation
subject keywordsn boundary value problem
subject keywordsn finite difference method
subject keywordsn injection systems
subject keywordsn parallel beam dynamics simulation
subject keywordsn Acceleration
identifier doi10.1109/BDO.2014.6890042
journal titleechnology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment (TIME-E), 2014 2nd International Co

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