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contributor authorAkkari, Nadine
contributor authorAlfattni, Ghada
contributor authorAlghamdi, Hana
contributor authorAlzahrani, Mona
contributor authorAlkhammash, Manal
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:26:35Z
date available2020-03-12T22:26:35Z
date issued2014
identifier other7009229.pdf
identifier uri
titleAdaptive word processor based on Morse code
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8219863
subject keywordsclay
subject keywordsn disperse systems
subject keywordsn flocculation
subject keywordsn ocean waves
subject keywordsn oceanographic regions
subject keywordsn sand
subject keywordsn sediments
subject keywordsn wind
subject keywordsn 3D circulation model
subject keywordsn Baltic Sea
subject keywordsn Gulf of Finland
subject keywordsn Neva Bay
subject keywordsn SWAN wave model
subject keywordsn TSM data
subject keywordsn bottom sediment resuspension
subject keywordsn bottom shear stress
subject keywordsn clay bottom sediment
subject keywordsn coastal areas
subject keywordsn cohesion effects
subject keywordsn flocculation
subject keywordsn hindered settling
subject keywordsn nonlinear wave-current interaction
subject keywordsn packing effects
subject keywordsn resuspension intensity model es
identifier doi10.1109/BALTIC.2014.6887882
journal titleeb and Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL), 2014 International Conference on

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