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date accessioned2020-03-12T22:26:17Z
date available2020-03-12T22:26:17Z
date issued2014
identifier other7009049.pdf
identifier uri
titleSession 12: Infonomics and e-Technology
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8219656
subject keywordscomputer aided instruction
subject keywordsn computer animation
subject keywordsn electronic engineering education
subject keywordsn printed circuit manufacture
subject keywordsn thick film circuits
subject keywordsn PCB
subject keywordsn animation technology
subject keywordsn printed circuit boards
subject keywordsn thick film circuits fabrication
subject keywordsn virtual electrotechnology factory development
subject keywordsn virtual processing approach
subject keywordsn web publishing
subject keywordsn Animation
subject keywordsn Education
subject keywordsn Manufacturing
subject keywordsn Printed circuits
subject keywordsn Production facilities
subject keywordsn Streaming media
subject keywordsn Virtual manufacturing
identifier doi10.1109/ISSE.2014.6887644
journal titlenformation Society (i-Society), 2014 International Conference on

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