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contributor authorRopitault, Tanguy
contributor authorLampropulos, Alejandro
contributor authorPelov, Alexander
contributor authorToutain, Laurent
contributor authorVedantham, Ramanuja
contributor authorChiummiento, Philippe
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:24:37Z
date available2020-03-12T22:24:37Z
date issued2014
identifier other7007688.pdf
identifier uri
titleDoing it right — Recommendations for RPL in PLC-based networks for the Smart Grid
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8218594
subject keywordsdiffraction gratings
subject keywordsn laser modes
subject keywordsn laser stability
subject keywordsn optical fibre amplifiers
subject keywordsn optical fibre polarisation
subject keywordsn refractive index
subject keywordsn spatiotemporal phenomena
subject keywordsn spectral line breadth
subject keywordsn ytterbium
subject keywordsn Yb<
subject keywordssup>
subject keywords3+<
subject keywords/sup>
subject keywords-doped large mode area polarization-maintaining fiber amplifiers
subject keywordsn amplifier gain
subject keywordsn amplifier output power
subject keywordsn backward reflection
subject keywordsn continuous signal
subject keywordsn energy transfer
subject keywordsn fundamental mode
subject keywordsn higher-order modes
subject keywordsn input signal paramet
identifier doi10.1109/LO.2014.6886480
journal titlemart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2014 IEEE International Conference on

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