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contributor authorBauml, T.
contributor authorDvorak, D.
contributor authorFrohner, A.
contributor authorSimic, D.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:23:38Z
date available2020-03-12T22:23:38Z
date issued2014
identifier other7007129.pdf
identifier uri
titleSimulation and Measurement of an Energy Efficient Infrared Radiation Heating of a Full Electric Vehicle
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8217980
subject keywordsdamping
subject keywordsn delay systems
subject keywordsn elastic constants
subject keywordsn feedback
subject keywordsn railways
subject keywordsn suspensions (mechanical components)
subject keywordsn vibration control
subject keywordsn Routh-Hurwitz criterion
subject keywordsn amplitude-frequency response curve
subject keywordsn cubic nonlinear stiffness coefficient
subject keywordsn damping coefficient
subject keywordsn delayed feedback control
subject keywordsn high-speed train
subject keywordsn multiple scales
subject keywordsn nonlinear mass-spring-dash vibrating system
subject keywordsn saddle node bifurcation
subject keywordsn semiactive suspension system
subject keywordsn time delay
subject keywordsn vertical vibrat
identifier doi10.1109/ICMA.2014.6885900
journal titleehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2014 IEEE

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