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contributor authorLin, Cheng
contributor authorYan, Fan
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:20:09Z
date available2020-03-12T22:20:09Z
date issued2014
identifier other7003581.pdf
identifier uri
titleResearch and Implementation of Social Network Service Model
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8215809
subject keywordsIII-V semiconductors
subject keywordsn aluminium compounds
subject keywordsn gallium compounds
subject keywordsn indium compounds
subject keywordsn molecular beam epitaxial growth
subject keywordsn phosphors
subject keywordsn phosphorus compounds
subject keywordsn semiconductor epitaxial layers
subject keywordsn semiconductor growth
subject keywordsn solid solutions
subject keywordsn AlP<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywordsx<
subject keywords/sub>
subject keywordsAs<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywords1-x<
subject keywords/sub>
subject keywordsn GaAs
subject keywordsn GaP<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywordsx<
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subject keywordsAs<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywords1-x<
subject keywords/sub>
subject keywordsn InPAs<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywords1-x<
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subject keywordsn MBE
subject keywordsn compositional properties
subject keywordsn density influence
subject keywordsn group V subl
identifier doi10.1109/EDM.2014.6882463
journal titlentelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), 2014 7th International Conference on

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