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contributor authorLixia Xiao
contributor authorBin Xu
contributor authorHuirong Bai
contributor authorXiao, Yue
contributor authorLei, Xia
contributor authorLi, Shaoqian
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:16:08Z
date available2020-03-12T22:16:08Z
date issued2014
identifier other7000219.pdf
identifier uri
titlePerformance evaluation in PAPR and ICI for ISIM-OFDM systems
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8213327
subject keywordsbenchmark testing
subject keywordsn microprocessor chips
subject keywordsn performance evaluation
subject keywordsn power aware computing
subject keywordsn synchronisation
subject keywordsn Haswell
subject keywordsn Intel Core i7 4770
subject keywordsn Intel Transactional Synchronization Extension
subject keywordsn RTM performance
subject keywordsn STAMP benchmark suite
subject keywordsn TSX
subject keywordsn TinySTM software transactional memory system
subject keywordsn energy analysis
subject keywordsn energy expenditure
subject keywordsn hardware transactional memory implementations
subject keywordsn microbenchmarks
subject keywordsn performance analysis
subject keywordsn programming style
subject keywordsn restricted tra
identifier doi10.1109/IPDPS.2014.70
journal titleigh Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC), 2014 International Workshop on

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