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contributor authorUsha, K.
contributor authorEzhilarasan, M.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:09:42Z
date available2020-03-12T22:09:42Z
date issued2014
identifier other6996141.pdf
identifier uri
titleHaar-Wavelet Transform based finger knukle print recognition
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8209738
subject keywordsFIR filters
subject keywordsn IIR filters
subject keywordsn approximation theory
subject keywordsn linear phase filters
subject keywordsn FIR prototype
subject keywordsn amplitude response approximations
subject keywordsn linear-phase IIR filter design
subject keywordsn phase response approximations
subject keywordsn prescribed group delay
subject keywordsn Integrated circuits
subject keywordsn IIR filters
subject keywordsn digital filters
subject keywordsn filters design
identifier doi10.1109/MIXDES.2014.6872241
journal titleecent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT), 2014 International Conference on

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