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contributor authorSandall, Ian
contributor authorWhite, Benjamin
contributor authorTan, Chee Hing
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:08:51Z
date available2020-03-12T22:08:51Z
date issued2014
identifier other6995394.pdf
identifier uri
titleInAs APD with solid state photomultiplier characteristics
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8209217
subject keywordscultural aspects
subject keywordsn knowledge management
subject keywordsn culture
subject keywordsn financial markets
subject keywordsn global knowledge systems
subject keywordsn knowledge exploitation
subject keywordsn knowledge eyes
subject keywordsn local knowledge systems
subject keywordsn social economic systems
subject keywordsn Biological system modeling
subject keywordsn Context
subject keywordsn Economics
subject keywordsn Knowledge engineering
subject keywordsn Organizations
subject keywordsn Technological innovation
subject keywordsn Ecosystems
subject keywordsn Explicit-implicit knowledge
subject keywordsn Intangible assets
subject keywordsn Open innovation
subject keywordsn Pattern
subject keywordsn Theory of Firm
identifier doi10.1109/ICE.2014.6871618
journal titlehotonics Conference (IPC), 2014 IEEE

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