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contributor authorAlet, P.-J.
contributor authorCuony, P.
contributor authorDutoit, J.
contributor authorScharrenberger, L.
contributor authorCurrat, B.
contributor authorPerret-Aebi, L.-E.
contributor authorBallif, C.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:06:31Z
date available2020-03-12T22:06:31Z
date issued2014
identifier other6993275.pdf
identifier uri
titleSoiling and value of cleaning for low-tilt PV systems in temperate climates: A Swiss case study
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8207777
subject keywordselectromagnetic wave scattering
subject keywordsn feature extraction
subject keywordsn neural nets
subject keywordsn radar signal processing
subject keywordsn signal classification
subject keywordsn FSR
subject keywordsn Z-score
subject keywordsn forward scattering radar
subject keywordsn frequency 151 MHz
subject keywordsn frequency 434 MHz
subject keywordsn frequency 64 MHz
subject keywordsn ground target classification
subject keywordsn neural network modelling
subject keywordsn target signature feature extraction
subject keywordsn vehicle size classification technique
subject keywordsn Artificial neural networks
subject keywordsn Feature extraction
subject keywordsn Radar
subject keywordsn Testing
subject keywordsn Training
subject keywordsn Vehi
identifier doi10.1109/IRS.2014.6869280
journal titleenewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2014), 3rd

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