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contributor authorSarkar, T.K.
contributor authorDyab, W.M.
contributor authorAbdallah, M.N.
contributor authorSalazar-Palma, M.
contributor authorPrasad, M.V.S.N.
contributor authorTing, S.W.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:05:42Z
date available2020-03-12T22:05:42Z
date issued2014
identifier other6992630.pdf
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titleThe physiscs of mobile wireless communication explained through an electromagnetic macro model
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8207251
subject keywordsDistributed video coding
subject keywordsn Forward error correction
subject keywordsn Group of pictures
subject keywordsn Low density parity check codes
subject keywordsn Reed Solomon codes
subject keywordsn Side information
subject keywordsn Wyner-Ziv
identifier doi10.1109/ICCOINS.2014.6868390
journal titlentennas and Propagation (APCAP), 2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on

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