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contributor authorSamajdar, Chinmoy
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:01:13Z
date available2020-03-12T22:01:13Z
date issued2014
identifier other6970964.pdf
identifier uri
titleTriple bottom line strategy for sustainable steel industry
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8203752
subject keywordsDRAM chips
subject keywordsn error correction
subject keywordsn integrated circuit testing
subject keywordsn low-power electronics
subject keywordsn three-dimensional integrated circuits
subject keywordsn 3D memory cube
subject keywordsn 3D stacked DRAM memory
subject keywordsn ECP
subject keywordsn RT detection mechanism
subject keywordsn bandwidth consumption
subject keywordsn data layout
subject keywordsn data-pattern dependence characteristics
subject keywordsn error correction pointer
subject keywordsn logic base
subject keywordsn loop-based control algorithm
subject keywordsn low power DRAM refresh control scheme
subject keywordsn memory energy
subject keywordsn memory scrubbers
subject keywordsn refresh interval
identifier doi10.1109/CoolChips.2014.6842950
journal titleusiness and Information Management (ICBIM), 2014 2nd International Conference on

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