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contributor authorFressancourt, Antoine
contributor authorGagnaire, Maurice
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:59:07Z
date available2020-03-12T21:59:07Z
date issued2014
identifier other6969049.pdf
identifier uri
titleA Dynamic Offer/Answer Mechanism Encompassing TCP Variants in Heterogeneous Environments
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8202020
subject keywordselectronic noses
subject keywordsn food processing industry
subject keywordsn food products
subject keywordsn neural nets
subject keywordsn principal component analysis
subject keywordsn production engineering computing
subject keywordsn ANN
subject keywordsn PCA
subject keywordsn artificial neural network
subject keywordsn chicken freshness
subject keywordsn meat freshness prediction
subject keywordsn portable electronic nose
subject keywordsn principal component analysis
subject keywordsn Arrays
subject keywordsn Artificial neural networks
subject keywordsn Chemicals
subject keywordsn Electronic noses
subject keywordsn Gas detectors
subject keywordsn Pattern recognition
subject keywordsn Principal component analysis
subject keywordsn TGS sensor
identifier doi10.1109/ECTICon.2014.6839777
journal titledvanced Networking Distributed Systems and Applications (INDS), 2014 International Conference on

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