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contributor authorHernandes, Leonardo
contributor authorMarques, Fabiano Zemella
contributor authorVasconcellos, Alexandre S.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:58:56Z
date available2020-03-12T21:58:56Z
date issued2014
identifier other6968900.pdf
identifier uri
titleDelayed current zeros in FPSO offshore units
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8201864
subject keywordsaluminium compounds
subject keywordsn sputtering
subject keywordsn thin film transistors
subject keywordsn tin compounds
subject keywordsn zinc compounds
subject keywordsn ATZO
subject keywordsn Al-Sn-Zn-O
subject keywordsn RF magnetron sputtering
subject keywordsn TFTs
subject keywordsn field effect mobility
subject keywordsn fully-transparent inverted-staggered aluminum-tin co-doped ZnO thin film transistors
subject keywordsn glass substrate
subject keywordsn high mobility transparent thin film transistors
subject keywordsn low temperature
subject keywordsn voltage 1.71 V
subject keywordsn Films
subject keywordsn Glass
subject keywordsn Indium tin oxide
subject keywordsn Radio frequency
subject keywordsn Sputtering
subject keywordsn Thin film trans
identifier doi10.1109/VLSI-TSA.2014.6839671
journal titleetroleum and Chemical Industry Conference - Brasil (PCIC Brasil), 2014 IEEE

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