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contributor authorSetiawan, Yuhanes Dedy
contributor authorPratama, Pandu Sandi
contributor authorKim, Jin Wook
contributor authorKim, Dae Hwan
contributor authorJung, Young Seok
contributor authorKim, Sang Bong
contributor authorYoon, Suk Min
contributor authorYeo, Tae Kyeong
contributor authorHong, Sup
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:58:24Z
date available2020-03-12T21:58:24Z
date issued2014
identifier other6968519.pdf
identifier uri
titlePath replanning and controller design for trajectory tracking of automated guided vehicles
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8201361
subject keywordsRaman spectra
subject keywordsn X-ray chemical analysis
subject keywordsn X-ray diffraction
subject keywordsn copper compounds
subject keywordsn indium compounds
subject keywordsn scanning electron microscopy
subject keywordsn semiconductor thin films
subject keywordsn solar cells
subject keywordsn ternary semiconductors
subject keywordsn vacuum deposition
subject keywordsn CIS films
subject keywordsn Cu-In layers
subject keywordsn CuInSe<
subject keywordssub>
subject keywords2<
subject keywords/sub>
subject keywordsn EDX
subject keywordsn Raman scattering measurements
subject keywordsn SEM
subject keywordsn X-ray diffraction
subject keywordsn XRD
subject keywordsn close spaced graphite box
subject keywordsn copper indium diselenide thin films
subject keywordsn crystalline properties
identifier doi10.1109/ISNE.2014.6839346
journal titledvances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI, 2014 International Conference on

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