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contributor authorDudouet, Florian
contributor authorHarsh, Piyush
contributor authorRuiz, Santiago
contributor authorGomes, Andre
contributor authorBohnert, Thomas Michael
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:58:21Z
date available2020-03-12T21:58:21Z
date issued2014
identifier other6968495.pdf
identifier uri
titleA case for CDN-as-a-service in the cloud: A Mobile Cloud Networking argument
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8201314
subject keywordsCMOS integrated circuits
subject keywordsn biomedical electronics
subject keywordsn flexible electronics
subject keywordsn integrated circuit design
subject keywordsn nanophotonics
subject keywordsn nanostructured materials
subject keywordsn power electronics
subject keywordsn solar cells
subject keywordsn storage management chips
subject keywordsn thin film sensors
subject keywordsn three-dimensional integrated circuits
subject keywordsn 3D IC
subject keywordsn CMOS integrated circuits
subject keywordsn bioelectronics-related devices
subject keywordsn bioelectronics-related systems
subject keywordsn device modeling
subject keywordsn device simulation
subject keywordsn flexible electronics
subject keywordsn functional device
identifier doi10.1109/ISNE.2014.6839321
journal titledvances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI, 2014 International Conference on

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