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contributor authorSarma, S.
contributor authorDutt, N.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:56:53Z
date available2020-03-12T21:56:53Z
date issued2014
identifier other6966902.pdf
identifier uri
titleFPGA emulation and prototyping of a cyberphysical-system-on-chip (CPSoC)
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8199870
subject keywordssafety
subject keywordsn solar power satellites
subject keywordsn space power generation
subject keywordsn Alaska
subject keywordsn HAARP facility
subject keywordsn SSP satellite systems
subject keywordsn SSP satellites
subject keywordsn USA
subject keywordsn atmospheric effects
subject keywordsn atmospheric interactions
subject keywordsn geostationary orbit
subject keywordsn governmental launch licensing
subject keywordsn high frequency active auroral research program
subject keywordsn microwave beams
subject keywordsn microwave power beams
subject keywordsn microwave radiation
subject keywordsn power beams
subject keywordsn renewable energy source
subject keywordsn safety
subject keywordsn solar energy
subject keywordsn space solar power system
identifier doi10.1109/AERO.2014.6836471
journal titleapid System Prototyping (RSP), 2014 25th IEEE International Symposium on

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