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contributor authorBjorninen, Toni
contributor authorVirkki, Johanna
contributor authorSydanheimo, Lauri
contributor authorUkkonen, Leena
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:52:39Z
date available2020-03-12T21:52:39Z
date issued2014
identifier other6962807.pdf
identifier uri
titleImpact of recurrent stretching on the performance of electro-textile UHF RFID tags
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8196051
subject keywordscomputer networks
subject keywordsn multicast communication
subject keywordsn telecommunication channels
subject keywordsn telecommunication congestion control
subject keywordsn telecommunication network topology
subject keywordsn transport protocols
subject keywordsn PGMCC approach
subject keywordsn TCP
subject keywordsn TFMCC
subject keywordsn communications channels
subject keywordsn computer network
subject keywordsn equation based single rate multicast congestion control
subject keywordsn feedback implosion
subject keywordsn pragmatic general multicast congestion control
subject keywordsn single rate multicast congestion control technique
subject keywordsn steady state equation
identifier doi10.1109/IndiaCom.2014.6828100
journal titlelectronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2014

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