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date accessioned2020-03-12T21:51:54Z
date available2020-03-12T21:51:54Z
date issued2014
identifier other6961992.pdf
identifier uri
titlePhotonics design with an EDA approach: Validation of layout waveguide interconnects
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8195348
subject keywordsdistributed power generation
subject keywordsn photovoltaic power systems
subject keywordsn power generation control
subject keywordsn DG sources
subject keywordsn access system points
subject keywordsn basic datasheet information
subject keywordsn black box models
subject keywordsn classical control theory
subject keywordsn control dynamic
subject keywordsn correlation coefficient
subject keywordsn current signals
subject keywordsn distributed generation technologies
subject keywordsn electrical distribution conventional systems
subject keywordsn electronic converters
subject keywordsn measurement system
subject keywordsn microgrid operation
subject keywordsn microturbine
subject keywordsn operational test cond
identifier doi10.1109/IREC.2014.6826951
journal titleroup IV Photonics (GFP), 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on

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