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contributor authorDaoud, Y.
contributor authorHarmand, J.
contributor authorAbdellatif, N.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:51:00Z
date available2020-03-12T21:51:00Z
date issued2014
identifier other6961432.pdf
identifier uri
titleOptimal control of a biological Sequencing Batch Reactor: An approach by simulations
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8194728
subject keywordsfractals
subject keywordsn investment
subject keywordsn stock markets
subject keywordsn support vector machines
subject keywordsn SVM
subject keywordsn Shanghai Composite Index
subject keywordsn asset allocation
subject keywordsn data analysis method
subject keywordsn error analysis
subject keywordsn financial asset change prediction
subject keywordsn financial data
subject keywordsn financial market
subject keywordsn fractal characteristics
subject keywordsn international investment community
subject keywordsn mathematical theory
subject keywordsn multifractal theory
subject keywordsn quantitative investment prediction model
subject keywordsn support vector machine
subject keywordsn Algorithm design and analysis
subject keywordsn Fracta
identifier doi10.1109/ComManTel.2014.6825611
journal titleontrol and Automation (MED), 2014 22nd Mediterranean Conference of

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