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contributor authorRamirez-Laboreo, Edgar
contributor authorSagues, Carlos
contributor authorLlorente, Sergio
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:50:59Z
date available2020-03-12T21:50:59Z
date issued2014
identifier other6961423.pdf
identifier uri
titleThermal modeling, analysis and control using an electrical analogy
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8194719
subject keywordscloud computing
subject keywordsn computer centres
subject keywordsn optimisation
subject keywordsn scheduling
subject keywordsn cloud computing services
subject keywordsn cloud datacenters
subject keywordsn heterogeneous computing environments
subject keywordsn monetary cost
subject keywordsn network bandwidth
subject keywordsn recovery time optimization
subject keywordsn scheduling algorithm
subject keywordsn task scheduling
subject keywordsn Bandwidth
subject keywordsn Optimal scheduling
subject keywordsn Processor scheduling
subject keywordsn Program processors
subject keywordsn Schedules
subject keywordsn Scheduling
subject keywordsn Servers
subject keywordsn Task scheduling
subject keywordsn offloading
subject keywordsn parallel computing
subject keywordsn recovery time
identifier doi10.1109/ComManTel.2014.6825602
journal titleontrol and Automation (MED), 2014 22nd Mediterranean Conference of

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