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date accessioned2020-03-12T21:49:23Z
date available2020-03-12T21:49:23Z
date issued2014
identifier other6959668.pdf
identifier uri
titleFeatures of development of the degradation processes in the nanometer film structures under the influence of high-power electromagnetic fields
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8193544
subject keywordsUHF antennas
subject keywordsn genetic algorithms
subject keywordsn monopole antennas
subject keywordsn omnidirectional antennas
subject keywordsn radar antennas
subject keywordsn FSR sensor
subject keywordsn forward scattering radar sensor
subject keywordsn frequency 800 MHz
subject keywordsn miniature stub loaded monopole antenna
subject keywordsn miniature technique
subject keywordsn omnidirectional monopole antenna
subject keywordsn robust genetic algorithm optimization
subject keywordsn total length minimization
subject keywordsn Gain
subject keywordsn Genetic algorithms
subject keywordsn Optimization
subject keywordsn Radar antennas
subject keywordsn Radar scattering
subject keywordsn Forward Scattering Radar (FSR)
identifier doi10.1109/DICTAP.2014.6821711
journal titleicrowave & Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo), 2014 24th International Crimean Conferenc

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